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A Most Cordial Welcome

We would like to welcome you to our new Origin of Life Energy-Shop.
Please select a category on the right hand side of the screen to move to your subject of interest.

Hormones from plastic bottles - please click here
Hormones from plastic bottles

Origin of Life Test with Vinegar - please click here
Vinegar Test


Origin of Life is an innovative, environmentally aware and health conscious corporation. Its mission consists of rendering free energy sources accessible to people in order for them to achieve increased vitality and improved health.

The Origin of Life energy symbolic has been successfully serving its market for more than 8 years and has amassed an array of astonishing experiences in such areas as:

  • Energizing of Food and Beverages as well as 
  • Neutralizing of Electromagnetic Smog und Radio and Cellular Transmissions as well as all
  • Geopathogenic Interferences such as Earth Radiation from Electromagnetic Fields caused by Aquifers and Underground Water Veins and more.

For additional information please click on:
Origin and Effects
Reviews and Reports on past Experience
Water Research Studies
Tests and Research Results

EAV-test  please click here....

Aurastar-test  please click here....

Bovis-test with Quantec  please click here....

Bovis-test2 with Quantec  please click here....

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Origin of Life - Energyproducts